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Selena Gomez Pregnant

As TMZ first reported, Selena Gomez was rushed to the hospital after taping an appearance a few months ago on “The Tonight Show,” complaining of nausea and a severe headache.
Sources tell WNN that Gomez underwent a number of tests for blood pressure issues, but doctors could not determine what was causing the problem.
Until… sources close to Selena Gomez announced she is pregnant.  And they proudly stated that Justin Bieber is the father.
Selena Gomez Pregnant
Is Selena Gomez pregnant already confirmed and official? Since rumors of Selena Gomez admitted that she’s pregnant and she stated Justin Bieber is possibly the father comes out, you might probably think that the “thing” happened when both of them having a New Year’s vacation together. Exactly when both of them, Selena Gomez and Justin…
Selena Gomez Pregnant

Selena Gomez Pregnant

Selena Gomez Pregnant

Selena Gomez Pregnant

Selena Gomez Pregnant

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