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Giuliana Rancic Breast Cancer

Giuliana Rancic born on August 17, 1974 is an Italian American celebrity news personality. She is a host on E! News, the E! Network's flagship entertainment news program.

Giuliana Rancic Pregnant:
Giuliana Rancic appeared on The View with husband Bill to discuss her fertility issues. The couple have been trying to conceive since approximately the beginning of 2009.Her doctors had recommended that she gain weight in order to increase the chances of pregnancy. In February 2010, she stated that she had gained five pounds, and was working on gaining more weight.The couple began in vitro fertilization (IVF) in March 2010,and got pregnant in the spring of 2010

Giuliana Rancic Breast Cancer
Giuliana Rancic Miscarriage:
However  Giuliana Rancic  suffered a miscarriage at eight weeks. Rancic had an IVF transfer for a second time in November 2010, however the procedure did not result in a pregnancy. 

Giuliana Rancic Breast Cancer
Giuliana Rancic Breast Cancer:
.On October 17, 2011 during an interview on The Today Show,  Giuliana Rancic  has revealed that she has breast cancer.
The red carpet host and reality star shared the news this morning on the “Today Show” while discussing her attempts to start a family with husband Bill Rancicthrough in-vitro fertilization.

Giuliana Rancic Breast Cancer
“Through my attempt to get pregnant for the third time, we sadly found out that I have early stages of breast cancer,” said Rancic. “It’s been a shock. A lot of people have been asking, ‘We saw that you went and got IVF, are you pregnant?’ But sadly, we’ve had to put that off.”

Giuliana Rancic Breast Cancer
Rancic was alerted to the cancer after her IVF doctor recommended she get a mammogram.She will undergo surgery this week, to be followed by six weeks of radiation treatment.Rancic’s prognosis is good, thanks to early detection.

Giuliana Rancic Breast Cancer
Giuliana Rancic Says“I still want this baby… because this baby has saved my life,” she said. “I truly feel God was looking out after me… If I had gotten pregnant later down the line, I could have been a lot sicker.”
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