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Amanda knox

Amanda knox  Born July 9, 1987 in Seattle, Amanda knox  led a pleasant but unremarkable life prior to November of 2007. She graduated with honors from a Jesuit high school (where she picked up the nickname “Foxy Knoxy” because of her clever soccer dribbling skills), then received a scholarship to the University of Washington.

A budding writer, Amanda knox  was heavily into social media and socialization — in short, not much different than thousands of other college students. Her parents, Eddy Mellas and Curt Knox, were comfortable but not rich, and when Amanda knox  was accepted into a study abroad program, she wound up working three jobs to help pay for it.

In Perugia, Italy, Amanda knox  shared a cottage with several other students, including Meredith Kercher from Great Britain. On Nov. 2, Kercher was found dead in her bedroom, strangled and stabbed and sexually assaulted — and Amanda knox , accused along with two others of the murder, was catapulted into the spotlight.

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